POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : Next stills topic... : Re: Next stills topic... Server Time
23 Dec 2024 13:52:09 EST (-0500)
  Re: Next stills topic...  
From: The Mad Hatter
Date: 7 Sep 2002 04:35:05
Message: <web.3d79ba24baaad2ec8d877f60@news.povray.org>
When I first found out the ftp topic, I also started on mine,
unfortunately my project has been halted as when the irtc.org site had
finaly been updated days later, I found out the description does not allow
the theme I had intended.  So back to the drawing board for me.
 I may just stick with my original idea however.  The IRTC is not all about
trying to get high votes.  Well, ok that is not exactly true.. lol.
  However, I may stick with my On topic and Off description project and just
try to make the best image I can, and despite I'll get burned by people who
dont think it applies, I will have a well made project nevertheless.
  I am still trying to figure out how a topic that tends to cause most
runners I know so much grief, got voted #1.  Perhaps this is an indication
that more people need to vote to get a true average, unless a flaw happened
during someones submission and a number of extra votes got slaped in.

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